Ishwara Panchakosha Kit

Introducing the Panchakosha Kit, a harmonious blend of Ayurvedic wisdom and natural elements designed to nurture your body, mind, and soul. This unique kit aligns with the five layers of existence in Ayurveda, offering a holistic approach to well-being.

Salt Lamps

Catches Negative Energy: Purifies the environment by absorbing negativity.
Enhances Ambience: Adds a soothing glow to your space.
Unblocks Financial Pathways: Clears blockages to invite prosperity.

Pure Gir Cow Ghee Lamp

Invites Positivity: Lighting this ghee lamp dispels darkness and attracts sattvik vibrations.
Eliminates Negative Energy: A symbol of purity that cleanses the aura.

7 Chakra Healing Crystals

Energy Transfer: These crystals resonate with your body’s energy, promoting healing and balance.

Aura Spray

Balances Vibrations: Infused with positive energy, it harmonizes your aura when sprayed on clothes.
Grounding Effect: Helps in grounding and stabilizing emotions.

Peacock Feather

Cultural Symbolism: Revered in various cultures for its beauty and spiritual significance.
Ether Connection: Represents purity and immortality, connecting you with the ether element.

Ishwara Healing Balm

Soothing Relief: A gentle balm that heals and calms, aligning with the wind element.

The Panchakosha Kit is more than a collection of products, it’s a journey towards a balanced life. Embrace the elements of earth, fire, water, ether, and wind, and embark on a path of holistic healing and spiritual growth. Experience the Panchakosha Kit and align yourself with the universe’s natural rhythm.